by Comunicación Vedrunamérica | Jul 14, 2024 | Vedrunamerica, Venezuela
“70 years sowing love that never says enough” has been the motto that has set the tone during these days from July 4 to 6, where we lived the twenty-ninth National Vedruna Meeting. It was a great joy to receive during the morning the different centers of...
by Comunicación Vedrunamérica | Jun 24, 2024 | Vedrunamerica, Venezuela
In response to the invitation of the Management, Pedagogy and Pastoral Team, 23 teachers from various schools met to review, plan and evaluate the School Religious Education work material. This meeting sought to promote constant updating and formation, in harmony with...
by Comunicación Vedrunamérica | May 27, 2024 | Maracay, Vedrunamerica, Venezuela
On May 21, the residents of Bella Vista Neighborhood, Aragua State, celebrated the decree granted to Saint Joaquina de Vedruna as Co-Patroness of the Parish “Nuestra Señora del Valle”, issued by Bishop Enrique Parravano of the Diocese of Aragua, being the...
by Comunicación Vedrunamérica | May 12, 2024 | Vedrunamerica, Venezuela
“My wish is that you take advantage of the time you have. Let us work while we have time which, however long it may be, is short.” Epistolary 147 During this month of May, the educational centers of the country are carrying out various activities to...
by Comunicación Vedrunamérica | Feb 12, 2024 | Vedrunamerica, Venezuela
The management teams of the educational centers, accompanied by the country’s management team, met from February 5 to 7 at the retreat house of the Sisters of Consolation to present, learn about, work on and plan the latest chapter document “To be born...
by Comunicación Vedrunamérica | Dec 29, 2023 | Maracay, Vedrunamerica, Venezuela
As is a tradition, this December 28 we gathered the lay communities of the center to gather what we had experienced during the year and to have a space for formation animated by Sister Trina, liaison with the laity in Venezuela. The meeting was held at our school in...