From the 28th to the 30th took place the 28th national meeting of the Vedruna educational centers of Venezuela, in Boca de Uchire, Edo. Anzoátegui.
From very early in the morning, participants from the schools: El Carmelo Caracas, Guaicapuro II, Nuestra Señora del Valle, El Carmelo Cagua, Teresita González-Quevedo, Santa Joaquina and Caroní, who filled the house with greetings and the joy of seeing us again. About 80 people participated.

The main objective was to review and evaluate the progress of these 5 years of work under the inspiration of the pastoral pedagogical mottos. The 2018-2019 school year passionately invited each one of us, not to stop, to FLY TO THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN and recognize ourselves as “Vedruna Family, house of open doors”. For 2019-2020, our objective was the Vocational Ministry, to work on showing our personal gifts, to know that we are called by God and to make visible God’s call to the young people of today because we were CALLED TO BE FIRE AND EMBRACE. The 2020-2021 school year took place keeping in mind the Pope’s invitation to care for our common home, with the objective of continuing to create a culture of personal, spiritual and ecological care, discovering our personal gifts, knowing that we are called by God and making God’s cry visible to the young people of today, with open doors, making the motto “We are called by God” a reality. OPEN MY DOORS SIR.
In light of all that we have experienced in this pandemic, which has paralyzed and isolated us, helped us to become aware of the importance of others, of teamwork, of the fact that we cannot do it alone, in the 2021-2022 school year we were strengthened by the motto STRONG, HUMBLE and DILIGENT. And this school year 2022-2023 we wish to offer transforming experiences that lead us to have a certainty that Jesus is Life, who calls us to strengthen the foundations of our house, thus taking new steps together, from the synodality, as Vedruna Family because WE HAVE COME TO SERVE.

The evening of the first day was a creative representation of the charism: education, health and marginalization, from the most creative plays and costumes, the night was filled with laughter and celebration.
The following day, each center presented at a stand everything they had worked on and the impact of the slogans on the educational community.
The afternoon with a ‘MegaVedruna and a Ginkana’ we reinforce the identity from the life of Joaquina. We closed the day with a series of parodies of artists that made us spend a festive night, overflowing with creativity and talent. The bonfire at the foot of the sea helped us to gather the day and offer so much richness of life to the Good Jesus.
On Sunday, Good Shepherd Day, we prepared early in the morning to celebrate the Eucharist in thanksgiving to God for calling us to serve.
On this day the reflection was in charge of Sr. Noeli, who worked on the theme: “Ecology from the Vedruna point of view”. He emphasized the appreciation and care of the planet and everything we do on it.
We ended our meeting by sending each teacher, as a Vedruna family, to lead children, adolescents, young people and adults to Jesus Christ. That, knowing the revelation of Jesus Christ, they may profess the true faith within the Church and build the Kingdom of God in every Vedruna community in the country.
Some testimonials:
“For me the experience was very reflective, giving me light for my work with students and as a person. It was very renewing, both spiritually and in terms of work growth. I was very happy from the first day, especially because of the positive energies that the organizers transmitted to us”. Prof. José Conde
“Since leaving Caracas, it has been a beautiful adventure with our roommates and co-workers. All the sharing led me to see that everyone works together, that we are not alone, that we are doing well, thanks to the Good Jesus of Joaquina and we will continue to give an education different from the others. We return home and to our Center with the desire to continue with this great mission and for our children who need us”. Prof. Aida Medina
My experience in the 28th national meeting of Vedruna educators, has been a reunion with the Vedruna family, meeting the new members, sharing their experiences, deepening our charism, evaluating our work during these 5 years in which we lived many things in common that marked our practice. We are not different, we are on the same path with different contexts, but with the same horizon. Vedruna unites us and every day strengthens us to continue embracing the needs of our communities. I thank the organizing team for making this experience possible, which renews our strength and revives our charism. Prof. Alexia Herrera
“For me it has been a family experience, where values such as fraternity and joy were evident. It is impressive to see how our charism is growing more and more every day, and this makes me remember the phrase that Joaquina expressed: “Nothing pleases God as much as constancy”. I felt at home with a great family that walks with a single horizon: To live Jesus to the full”.. Prof. Jesús Villarroel

“It was a unique experience, I had never been to a meeting of educators at this level. Sharing experiences with the other centers allowed me to strengthen the Vedruna charism. I liked the songs very much, they touched my heart. The place was conducive to live peace, tranquility, dedication and above all integration, there was no selfishness. Now we are committed to reflect everything we learned at the meeting”.. Prof. Néstor Gonzales
“From the very moment I arrived I loved everything. I enjoyed every experience to the fullest, appreciating the love and effort of the organizers. I simply lived Jesus to the fullest”. Prof. Michell Roja
I can only thank and say like Joaquina in her letters,LONG LIVE JESUS! and all of us unanimously say IN PLENITUDE! This will be our greeting from the Vedruna family in Venezuela.
Prof. Giclis Santamaría