The Holy Spirit impels us and sends us to be messengers of God’s love.

On Friday, June 30 and Saturday, July 1, at the “Casa de los jóvenes Vedruna” in Coche, the 4th year students of the El Carmelo school in Caracas, who are preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation, had a pre-sacrament celebration.

During these two days they were able to share with joy and life all that the Lord has prepared for them since the confirmation option. Faced with this challenge, they recognize their need for forgiveness and reconciliation with God.

They discovered the richness of living and sharing the fruits of the Holy Spirit, a Spirit that launches us into the world to share His message of love and hope. In order to practice the commitment, they started there with several members of the Coche community.

Come Holy Spirit, fill us!

Prof. Emmanuel Acosta, catechist