As is a tradition, this December 28 we gathered the lay communities of the center to gather what we had experienced during the year and to have a space for formation animated by Sister Trina, liaison with the laity in Venezuela.
The meeting was held at our school in Bella Vista. Five members from each of the two communities, Amigas Vedruna and Vedruna Mothers from Cagua and Bella Vista, attended.
The opening prayer was framed by the year’s motto: “70 years sowing love and more love that never says enough”. Each one socialized a fruit harvested this year, resulting in a very rich and lively sharing.
The next step was to discover the training topic to be developed. We did it through printed images and phrases (we know that in this area there is not always light), with the dynamics of the memory game, where through images placed downwards, the participants were lifting them up and looking for the same pairs, to later classify them. There were images of war, of Joaquina’s exile, of Venezuelan migrants, images of the biblical text of the day and of peace.
The theme developed was Peace based on Saint Joaquina’s maxims, illustrated and concretized in those attitudes that we should promote and strengthen to be builders of peace in our daily lives.
After this conversation we had a sharing where we celebrated the life of the birthday girls of the month and raffled some gifts.
In this joyful atmosphere we said goodbye, thanking God for the meeting.
Sr. Trina de Jesús Hernández CCV