Fire and embrace
A living faith to discover God in everything
We have inherited an incarnated spirituality that leads us to welcome life and to seek and recognize God’s presence in it.
Next to Him
Where life hurts and cries out
Together with Him, we walk the paths of compassionate mysticism, of
open eyes
and of
embrace of solidarity
that springs from the fire of love. Fire that burns and burns for the cause of Jesus and the Kingdom, with passion and joy, as Joaquina experienced.
We live with the certainty and confidence that God dwells in each person and pitches his tent, especially among those who suffer the most. It enables us to remain in those realities where life hurts and cries out.
In the community
We experience God the Father/Mother who walks beside us, from below, from within and from near. In this spiritual journey, we create communities committed to caring for life in all its dimensions. For our Family, community is the essence and foundation. From the beginning we were a community and today each Vedruna community presence wants to be a small light that, together with other lights, we announce a future of hope and life.
With an integral spirituality
In fidelity to this spiritual experience that flows from our charism, we want to live an integral spirituality. integral spiritualitywhich includes ecology and global solidarity. Aware that this path leads us to a new relationship with God and with everything else, we become attuned to the care of creation. We discover ourselves as women and men, who embrace the care of Life, in all its forms and colors.