Origin and creation of the Vedruna laity

The Vedruna Laity began in Argentina in 1987 and later in Spain in 1991. It begins in both places, with the intention of living in the Church the principles of the Gospel under the charism of Joaquina de Vedruna.

Since the initial request to join the Congregation as a lay branch, and taking as a reference the Trinitarian living of the charism of St. Joaquina, the number of lay people around the world has increased. The motivation for the creation of the Laity was and is, to maintain a lifestyle according to the Vedruna Charism, in all aspects of personal life, in their daily work, in their relationship with others and to ensure that the Vedruna Charism is maintained over time.

Mission and objective

The Mission is that the Vedruna Charism be known, be maintained over time, and be the spiritual foundation of many people in their daily lives, being witnesses of the values of the Gospel, working for the integral and liberating growth of the person from the faith, as well as for the transformation of society, in more just, humane and fraternal structures.

The main objective is the living of the Vedruna Charism, keeping alive through time and an active communion among all the Vedruna laity of the world.
Another is to be part of the Charismatic Families of the Church, from a Trinitarian spirituality, open to the action of the Spirit. In an experience of the “Good Jesus” who spent his time doing good, in commitment to the poor, discovering God in life, being contemplative, prayerful, fraternal and creators of fraternity “Love never says enough”.


The projects carried out by the Laity, as well as its actions, are very varied, due to the different needs in the places where the Laity has a presence. Health and Education projects have been initiated, always seeking the improvement of the inhabitants of these areas. Some have been carried out, as in Celendín (Peru), in synodality with the Sisters of the Congregation.


“We respect and enforce the rights of women and children.” Celendín.

In the classroom I work with the students, because in order to respect the rights it is necessary to know and disseminate them in different spaces and moments, in classes and events; take advantage of different dates established in the civic calendar: example “International Day against the exploitation of women, girls and boys. In addition to working for a healthy environment; through classes, debates, dialogues, conversations, etc. in the classrooms and/or institutions. Encouraging the development of pots that allow the care of plants as well as decorate the environment.

Maria Rosario

Spain National Meeting August 2022