Educate, heal, liberate

Working for the Glory of God and the good of others

embracing all the needs of the people

We are committed to

Proclaiming, caring for and defending life

We do it from the
three spirits
that Joaquina desired: to educate, heal and liberate. Three verbs that are strongly related to each other and that express a unique way of life and accompaniment.

A shared challenge

We assume and understand the Mission as a challenge and task shared by the whole Vedruna Family. It allows us to broaden our vision, widen our hearts and dream, together with humanity, new spaces and placeswhere the Gospel logic of gift, fraternity-sorority, welcoming diversity, respect, reciprocal love and dialogue is lived.

We educate

In different platforms to train people to serve the community, giving preference to those who have some kind of need, lack or difficulty.

We heal

We care for and promote health in an integral way.

We release

We accompany, welcome and are present in the geographic and existential peripheries, together with:


  • Women, especially those deprived of their rights and dignity, who live oppressed for any reason.
  • Migrants and refugees or persons persecuted for any reason.
  • Elderly people, who need love, care and closeness.
  • Minors, especially girls, who live in a highly vulnerable situation for any reason.