Centro Asistencial Vedruna: We live the educational dimension of the charism in diversity.

The Centro Asistencial Vedruna, in Campinas, Brazil, dedicated this month to school vacations.

We started with an assembly with the educators, adolescents and children, where we discussed and decided how the days of activities would be, what games, dynamics and programming we would like to have so that it would be a fun and meaningful time.

Following Joaquina’s example, who always said that “joy is the main virtue”, we lived this first week in a very special way. It was wonderful, full of games, dynamics and, above all, lots of fun.

The second week was dedicated to creative activities, clay work, soccer, “balloon dance” and others.

One of the highlights was the “Talent Show”, a real fun! We discovered hidden talents in dance, music, theater, cooking, and we saw how children and teenagers begin to put these talents at the service of others, following the example of Jesus and Joaquina, who teach us to “do everything for the glory of God and the good of our neighbor”.

This significant moment was made possible by the valuable support of the collaborators of the Vedruna Center, who organized several workshops to make this time really special. We also received the visit of some sponsors, which made it even more memorable.

“We find ourselves immersed in formal education and in educational actions that take place in alternative spaces, with a circular leadership approach, working together with other people and organizations, sharing common projects of formation, evangelization and social commitment” (NdN, 18).

Sr. Maria do Socorro Vieira, CCV