United in grief: Rally in Zaragoza in memory of victims at borders

In a moving show of solidarity and respect, several people gathered last Wednesday, June 21, at the Government Delegation in Zaragoza to pay tribute to the thousands of lives lost in the dangerous crossings to the Spanish coasts and the Euro-African Western Border. During the rally, five minutes of silence were observed in memory of the deceased, in a call for attention to the serious situation at the borders.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has reported that so far this year, 188 people have lost their lives in their attempt to reach the Spanish coast. In addition, the “Walking Frontiers” collective has revealed that in the last five years, 11,286 people have died in the dangerous crossing of the Euro-African Western Border. These alarming figures have galvanized the community to act and remember that every life matters.

The main objective of the rally, called for the third Wednesday of each month in the case of a single deceased person, is for the administrations to take action in the face of this humanitarian tragedy. The organizers demand that the authorities themselves lead this type of events, since all lives deserve to be remembered and valued.

Below, we invite you to watch a video with testimonies and motivations of the participants in this rally, which reflects the stories of those who have been touched by this migration crisis. The testimonies show the reasons why they joined the cause, seeking to raise awareness in society and promote joint action to protect the human rights of migrants.