“The Jubilee Year of the 70th Jubilee of the National CRB was declared open in the Ordinary General Assembly, which took place in the CRB of Brasilia – DF, in the Casa Dom Luciano, on April 12, 2023, in a Eucharistic Celebration, presided by Father Costa de Leonardo da Silva. The event brought together leaders and representatives of religious congregations, directors, counselors and advisors.
The 70th anniversary of the National CRB is an invitation to religious to unite in gratitude, renewing their commitment to their mission of service and promoting hope for a better world.
The Jubilee year is intended to be a space of living memories, where mysticism and prophecy intertwine, encouraging the CRB to continue its tireless work, always inspired by the love that remains and flourishes in every heart dedicated to this noble cause”.
We join in tune with these words so many years of life that the congress offers us. On May 18 in Campinas – Brazil, as Religious Life, several congregations celebrated this jubilee with the theme: “Mysticism, Prophecy and Hope” and the motto “Abide in my Love” (John 15:9).
It was a very significant moment to make a living memory of our journey throughout this history, with passionate dedication to Jesus and commitment to his Kingdom, in the service of the most needy, with their joys and challenges.
We shared moments of formation, spirituality, a walk through the streets, a Eucharistic celebration and a delicious lunch.
Sr. Maria do Socorro Vieira, CCV