Last Saturday, November 18, the youth meeting of the deanery of San Felipe was held at the Santa María de Aconcagua school in the city of Santa María, with the participation of young people from the parishes of Catemu, Catedral, Almendral and Santa María and from the schools of Santa Juana de Arco, Santa María and the young women of the confirmation catechesis and MJV (Vedruna Youth Mission) of the Vedruna San Felipe school.

One of the main objectives of the meeting was to give young people a voice, allowing them to share their dreams and perspectives from the perspective of the Church.
To address these issues, a dynamic of stations was carried out, where each young person was invited to answer some questions and reflect on what he/she wants and can contribute from his/her youth to this Church.
Another important point was to highlight the importance of the “treasure” that each one of us has, life as a precious gift that is entrusted to us as a work of God.
The young people had the opportunity to share, dialogue, dance, play, reflect and pray.
Prof. Gleny Acevedo, accompanist of MJV