Chile – San Felipe: Bringing hope and joy to children of families deprived of their freedom

A group of educators from the Vedruna School of San Felipe, accompanied by some female students, celebrated Christmas with boys and girls, children of men and women deprived of their liberty. As in previous years, we were invited to share and celebrate this holiday at the Los Andes Penitentiary Center.

It was a deeply enriching experience, in which we were able to perceive God’s grace at every moment, manifested through the numerous contributions we received. Thanks to this generosity, we were able to give gifts to more than 300 children, who enjoyed moments of joy and connection with their parents deprived of their freedom.

We received many testimonies that touched us deeply, where pain, anguish, lack of resources and limited views on reality were evident. In this context, we felt the presence of the Lord, strengthened by the happiness shared between the inmates and their children.

Bringing to life the words of St. Joaquina, “I would like to embrace the needs of the people,” we gratefully affirm:

Thank you, Lord, for allowing us to embrace these needs!

Educators of the Vedruna School of San Felipe, Chile.