Sharing and projecting life in Vedruna mission in Argentina and Uruguay

From January 15 to 19, the Vedruna communities of Argentina and Uruguay celebrated their annual assembly, joining efforts and renewing commitments. This meeting took place in the Madre Leonor Maturana community , in Suipacha, which welcomed the participants with great joy.

Most of the sisters attended in person, while some attended virtually. The assembly was opened by delegate, Sr. Mirta Paoletti Elisa Pizarro, who, within the framework of the Jubilee Year, invited us to relive the opening of the Holy Door. As a symbolic gesture, Sr. Elisa Pizarro removed the padlock from the door, which had been specially decorated for the occasion. The participants were then invited to enter the workroom.

Opening of the Jubilee Door

On the first day, we were accompanied by two lay people linked to the provincial mission teams: Francisco Jáuregui (Pancho) and Ezequiel Lucero. Francisco shared his enriching experience in the meeting of mission teams held in Chile, while both expressed their bond with the Congregation, recalling with gratitude the sisters who guided them in their journey of faith and commitment. They also highlighted their participation in volunteer activities in Vedruna communities throughout Latin America, describing them as “unique” moments in their lives.

On the second day, the participants began to work on the development of a joint project for Argentina and Uruguay, based on the Provincial Project. This process began with an individual and group diagnosis, which made it possible to identify strengths and needs. Based on this analysis, the general and specific objectives and the activities necessary for their implementation were drafted. These were intense days of work and dialogue, with the challenge of taking these projects to the community plans to transform them into concrete actions.

Dynamizing team Assembly. From left to right: Andrea, Mirta (Delegate) and Ana María R.

In addition, the assembly included the meeting of the Argentine Civil Association, at which the new authorities for the next period were appointed.

We thank the Good Jesus and St. Joaquina for the impulse they always give us to build healthy and healing communities with hope and commitment, from the Synodality.

Sr. Viviana Pimentel, CCV

Group of sisters