In the month of October a great joy was experienced in Chile. During a weekend, we gathered the lay communities of the country in the 20th National Meeting of the Vedruna Laity.
These were days to live in fraternity, seeking to return to the source, to take energy and be Born Again, as is the invitation for this time.
We also celebrated the recent engagement of a lay sister. We did it as such an event deserves, with celebration and prayer, because we felt the Lord’s blessing on us, which gives rise in our hearts to the gratitude that leads us to sing with the psalmist:
The Lord has been great with us and we are rejoicing!
So far this year, there are already 8 lay sisters who have sealed their commitment to the Lord in the Vedruna family .
We thank the Carmelite Sisters for their company and for the many details they have with our communities, welcoming us into their home and accompanying us on our journey.
We thank the Good Jesus for his Love and Mercy for us!
María Cecilia Torres, Vedruna laywoman