Together against human trafficking – weaving the web of love

From 17th to 19th November 2024, the 14th Annual General Body Meeting of AMRAT (Asian Missionaries Religious Against Human Trafficking), took place at at Dharmaram College DVK Annex, Bangalore. Our Sister Marcellina Aguiar CCV, one of the representatives of the Maharashtra region, attended the meeting, amongst the 155 Sisters present from 20 regions of India, and 51 different congregations.

AMRAT is a national body dedicated to fight against Human Trafficking since 2009. It has picked up momentum with the involvement of many Sisters implicated directly or indirectly, through preventive measures, education and advocacy to stop human trafficking. Measures like study of migration from source to destination and its follow up are being carried out and stressed.

In the meeting, listening to survivors was heart rendering and we felt challenged to respond to these urgent needs. Modern slavery is closer than we think so it is important to stop it now and act now  –  ending trafficking begins with us. After listening to all the deliberations and expressions of various experiences, a tentative planning was done by each region and presented before the General Body. These plans are to be further worked upon with all the members in the regions at the regional meeting.

AMRAT is now a Registered Trust and we commit ourselves to protect, promote and restore human dignity and human rights of the marginalized in collaboration and solidarity with the different organizations, institutions and individuals. It is a dynamic force through social work, education, and health care, bringing awareness, freedom and restoration of human dignity.