75 Years of Vedruna legacy in Peru: thanksgiving for the jubilee year

Congratulations Family for these 75 years of presence in this country!

With the joy of what it means to celebrate 75 years of Vedruna presence in our Peru this January 14, with several celebrations, we concluded this Jubilee year.

It is life itself that fills us with joy when we witness the continuous journey of the sisters during this time, steps that took them to different places with the possibility of living our Vedruna charism, a charism that belongs to all and for all.

It has been a year in which the joy of the encounter was present through fraternal signs, music, dances, prayer and thanksgiving in the places where the sisters arrived: Sullana, Luya, Celendín, Pucallpa, Ermitaño and Pueblo Libre in Lima.

On Saturday, January 13, the community of sisters, laity and MJV of the Hermitage welcomed us by organizing a day in which we were able to learn about the work, especially of women in the common pots, the neighborhoods they have reached over the years and then a very fun afternoon in which the spirit of the young people was manifested with testimonies, dynamics, songs and dances.

On Sunday 14 was the closing celebration of the Jubilee Year, a Eucharist celebrated by Archbishop Carlos Castillo, Archbishop of Lima, and priest friends, which brought together fraternally all the people from different parts of the country, laity, catechists, alumnae, teachers, collaborators, friends, health promoters, leaders of soup kitchens, neighbors, …. We breathed a fraternal atmosphere that only weaves time, listening, dedication, accompaniment and service for the glory of God and love for our brothers and sisters.

The entire Vedruna Family was present

The urgency felt by the Congregation to continue responding to Joaquina’s desire to embrace the needs of all peoples, makes new calls arise, and as our last Chapter Document says, it is necessary to be Born Again, finding the desire to walk towards an integral and ecological spirituality, a way of relating as an art of encounter, a life in creative mission, a way of living as a Family, excited about the Kingdom, available for change, spreading hope, welcoming the new with affection, openness of heart and decision to build. I’m sure Joaquina can’t get over her amazement at our bid to be born again.

This story continues because being Vedruna is not stopping, it is being attentive to the needs of the times, it is a constant invitation to continue walking.

Gina Pardo Valdespino, LV de Lima

Here are some testimonies of lay people who accompanied us in these events:

An unforgettable, magical and wonderful experience.

“We met the Community of the Hermit of Lima, where the sisters have been present for 48 years.

We visited the pots Corazón de Jesús N° 1 and 2, also some of the chapels of the Parish: Santa Joaquina de Vedruna (in the AH San Albino) and Virgen del Carmen de San Camilo.

In the chapel of St. Joaquina we were welcomed with songs and learned about various community outreach activities carried out by the sisters.

It is gratifying to get up close, walk around and see the reality of the people in the area; many of us only knew about these towns through media reports. To walk and climb each step was to recharge us with energy because we did not know the new activities that today are embodied in a concrete reality, an arduous work of 75 years of presence of the sisters in Peru.

The organization, planning and execution were reflected in this work, which is now a reality and is an agent of social and religious change, improving people’s lives and benefiting the youngest members of the community.

The signs of affection from each inhabitant could be seen in the fraternal embrace and welcome to each one of us who were present”.

Carolina Novoa Luy, of the LV of Sullana

We are witnesses of a special celebration

“These three beautiful days of living together, we have felt the affection with which we remember each of the sisters who have worked selflessly for the Vedruna charism.

Throughout these 75 years they have sown a path, with much love, involving every inhabitant of the areas where they worked, feeling part of them every day, thus fulfilling God’s first commandment: to love your neighbor as yourself.

As people of God, each one represented a culture, language and way of thinking, thus maintaining a reflective dialogue, providing adequate guidance and counseling, an active listening because they always felt a vocation of service, following in the footsteps of our mother St. Joaquina de Vedruna.

His charisma is the main source of wisdom, sowing the seed that lasts until today and will continue through time”.

It is not possible to forget the work they have done while passing through each community!

Lay Community “Followers of Joaquina”, of Sullana