The school year 2024/25 has begun in the Vedruna School of Añisok, Equatorial Guinea. More than 500 students and the entire team of teachers, including three of our Sisters, began the school year with a special Eucharist on Friday, October 11 in the Aula Magna of the school.
They joyfully participated in the mass, asking for protection, wisdom, patience and intelligence, so that the Holy Spirit may guide them all to achieve the best results.

The beginning of the school year is also an important time to reflect on the very important role of the school in society. The sisters of the Vedruna School of Añisok share with us the words with which they approach the new year:
The primary function of the school is to transmit knowledge, and the socialization that occurs there enables people to become educated citizens and ensure equal opportunities.
What makes a good teacher? A good teacher is one who :

- Learn from their students
- Applies a variety of methods
- Has a benevolent attitude towards their students
- Believes in their potential, teaches them to be self-confident
- Creates a climate of trust and cooperation in the classroom
Based on the phrase of St. Joaquina, we try to live the Vedruna charism and spirit in our work.
We provide quality education, and that is reflected in the trust that parents place in us by choosing us. We are in a city with more than 10 different schools, but parents prefer to send their children to our Vedruna School run by the nuns.
We adapt to the culture and spirit of the country to transmit our values. We show our students that they are capable, and this capability is manifested in their know-how and know-how to live.
The spirit of Saint Joaquina is present in our work, through the love we feel for training children who feel fulfilled, who learn to do things by themselves, and to know how to be.
We educate the children in Christian values: the contents of religion and catechesis are given by the sisters and priests. During the month of May, the children of all classes offer flowers to Our Lady and pray together.
For all this, we are proud to be Vedruna and educators.