Creation Time 2024: A Call for Hope and Action

Creation Time 2024 will be celebrated from September 1 to October 4, a special period when the worldwide Christian community unites in prayer and action to protect our common home. This year, the theme revolves around the motto “Waiting and Acting with Creation” and the central symbol is “The First Fruits of Hope,” inspired by Romans 8:19-25. This annual celebration is a time dedicated not only to reflection, but also to concrete action in response to the cry of the Earth and the most vulnerable communities. As the Vedruna Family, committed to our “Being Born Again”, we begin to take steps towards a deeper commitment to creation.

Pope Francis has underlined in his message for this time the importance of acting urgently in the face of the climate crisis, stressing that “waiting and acting with Creation” implies a collective effort to redefine our relationship with power and with creation. Furthermore, he exhorts us to accompany this “pilgrimage of reconciliation” with the world, contributing to beautify and protect our common home.

Key Activities and Schedules

  • September 1 – World Day of Prayer for Creation: Time for Creation begins with an online ecumenical prayer service. This event seeks to unite Christians around the world in a common celebration that recognizes creation as a divine gift. Communities are encouraged to hold outdoor prayer services at the “Sacred Cathedral of Creation” to highlight the interconnectedness with the environment. See event here
  • September 21 – Ecumenical Day of Action: This day will be dedicated to action in defense of Creation, with a focus on promoting the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT). Activities will be organized globally to urge political leaders to sign and support this crucial treaty, which seeks to halt the expansion of fossil fuels and promote a just transition to renewable energy. See event here
  • October 4 – Feast of St. Francis of Assisi: The Time of Creation will culminate with a special prayer in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of ecology. This closing event will be organized by the Ecumenical Youth Committee, bringing together young people in a call for active hope and environmental justice. See event here

This Time of Creation is not only a time for reflection, but also an opportunity to become actively involved in protecting the planet through actions of sustainability, education and prayer. Communities around the world are invited to participate in this celebration that responds to the call to be responsible stewards of the Earth, contributing to the creation of a more just and hopeful future for all creatures.