On February 24, Loli Fernandez and Geraldyn Carrero made their first vows as Carmelite Sisters of Charity Vedruna in the parish of San Felix, Villaverde (Madrid, Spain). Present were young people from the different Vedruna groups that have made their way with both, sisters from the different communities of Madrid and from the communities that will welcome them in their new stage, and friends of the Vedruna Family.
Your profession of vows has been an event for the whole Vedruna Family. How have you experienced it? What do you take away from all the messages you have received?
After a long time, the moment we were waiting for arrived: our first religious profession as Carmelites of Charity Vedruna. It has been a very special day. We have lived it in surrender and knowing that we are fulfilling God’s will for each one of us. It is one more step in the journey of following Jesus. Our nerves were on edge, but we had a grateful heart. We thank God for the day we lived and for having been able to do it in depth.
We lived a simple celebration but full of symbols and meaning. We were close to the people who love us and were able to accompany us in person, but we also received much affection from many places and communities that were especially present to us that day, especially in prayer.

After having already made an important journey in the congregation, what remains intact and what evolves from that first call that led you to follow Jesus along Joaquina’s path?
As we have already said, this is one more step along the way. What remains intact at this time is the love of Jesus, which does not change, is unconditional, but constantly transforms us, if we let it. This love is what drives us to live each day, together with others and in the mission to which we are sent.
During this time of the Novitiate we have grown a lot in our knowledge of ourselves and in delving into the history, the roots and the present of the Vedruna Family, knowing that Jesus is always the center.

Religious Life in Europe, in general, and the Vedruna, in particular, is in a moment of adaptation to the demographic and cultural reality. How do you see that future? What kind of mission do you think awaits you, how does it differ from what other Vedruna Sisters did before you?
We see the future with a lot of realism, because there are difficulties, but also with hope, because there are also many challenges, possibilities, life, knowing, moreover, that everything does not depend on us, even though we put ourselves into it as if it were so. The Good Jesus encourages everything. And we want to be open to what is transforming in the Vedruna Family, this new birth to which we are invited since the last General Chapter.
Now we are called to live in different places, always in relationship with and at the service of those who most need to feel God close to them. And in this we want to spend our lives, day by day.