Peru: committed to the fight against trafficking in persons

In Peru, since 2008, we have been participating, as a congregation, in the Kawsay Network, a permanent commission of the National CONFER, for the fight against human trafficking.

The Network’s lines of work are training, awareness-raising, information, prevention, shelter for survivors and advocacy in the country’s political decisions.

Although 38 congregations are active and committed to the different activities, we are only able to respond to some of the demands made of us. Given the extent and roots of this scourge, we would like to be present throughout the country; at the moment we only reach 16 of the 25 regions that make up the country.

We always seek to network with other organizations and NGOs at the national, American and international levels, ecclesial organizations such as Talitha Kum, CLAR, UISG, Observa la Trata, CLAMOR-CELAM, and others. This interconnection helps us to have a broad vision and to be more effective in our actions, since trafficking crosses borders.

My work and commitment, being part of the coordinating team, lead me to know closely this reality and to outline, together with the other members, ways to respond to the demands raised, to make and prepare support materials to be used in the different national, Latin American and international campaigns, trainings, training for religious, teachers, students and other groups, preparation of online meetings, manifestos… among other activities.

For this I have had to prepare myself, train myself, and take online courses, at an international level, to be able to develop this mission with the responsibility and commitment it requires.

As I live in the jungle, my work/mission is on the river; in the visits I make to the river villages and hamlets, I take every opportunity to talk, motivate, warn and detect, because young people and adolescents, due to their vulnerability, are potential victims.

It is a task that I am passionate about, it fills me with energy and encourages me to be active and creative in the fight against this scourge. I feel that I am responding to the request made to us in the last chapter document “Born Again, 20”:

“…We want, like Joaquina, to continue participating with women in processes of promotion and liberation. We feel fully involved with them as the women that we are…

We want our mission spaces to be scenarios that make possible encounters in defense of life, where networks are woven with threads of care and tenderness. We want to embrace and welcome girls who live in situations of great vulnerability, on the street, orphaned and abandoned, victims and survivors of violence and sexual abuse, child labor and trafficking…”

Sr. Isabel Miguélez, ccv