Vocational Encounter: To know, to experience, to welcome, to welcome, to LIVE… is to love!

On August 25, 2023, on the eve of the perpetual profession of Maria do Socorro, the Vedruna Sisters of Brazil held an emotional Vocational Encounter in Carnaubeira da Penha. he event brought together young women who are being guided on their spiritual journey and was led with love and dedication by Srs. Eunice, Marilei and Vitalina, in a natural and welcoming environment, which provided an atmosphere conducive to reflection.

After this enriching encounter, some of the participants share their testimonies, revealing the depth of their experiences:

Júnia: “The meeting was very good, because in addition to the joy of being together, we were also able to experience moments of prayer, dialogue and reflection on the call that God makes to each one of us”.

Juliana: “No matter how I look at it, it was a very important spiritual moment because I was able to connect with my inner self, and also to be accompanied by wonderful friends: Sisters Marilei and Eunice, who were of great importance for that moment. A phrase that impacted me, that Jesus spoke to Simon Peter and it seemed that he was speaking to me too. “DO NOT BE AFRAID“.

Karinny: “Despite the difficulties to be there, it was worth every effort. In this very beautiful and simple place I was able to be closer to God and hear the call to “enter the deepest waters”, it was a wonderful experience, may Jesus and Our Lady always guide us on this path.”

The seed is in the ground… it is God who will make it grow with our help and care!

This Vocational Encounter marked the beginning of a spiritual journey in which the seed of vocation has been planted in the hearts of these young women. With God’s care and help, as well as the support of the Vedruna Sisters, this seed will grow and flourish, guiding them towards a path of love and service.

Srs. Brazil