From December 28 to January 6, in this profound time of our liturgical cycle, we experienced the presence of the Child God, who is incarnated, born and becomes present in every reality, especially in the most needy. With this sense we gathered as Vedruna sisters in our country assembly, accompanied by the significant presence of the Vedruna family, who supported us with their prayers and published what we shared, participating in different ways, both virtually and in person.
These were days marked by a spirituality deeply connected to our common home, reflected in the space that was offered to us, surrounded by beautiful nature. We lived this time as a time of thanksgiving to the God of life, who has given us so much. We nourish ourselves at the table of the Word and the Eucharist.
We had time to share with the laity, who brought us their journey impregnated with the aroma of the Vedruna Charism so present, with its difficulties and beauty, in our life of mission in our Educational Centers, as well as in the journey with the charismatic family in its various links. We continue listening to each other as sisters and sharing experiences of the mission of each one.
We took advantage of these days for formation, with the accompaniment of Sister Maria Vieira, who offered us tools based on our chapter document “Born Again” and other resources that will be useful to strengthen our relationships and commitments in our mission.
During this time, we held celebrations of thanksgiving to God for another year that is coming to a close and for 2025 that is beginning with all the hope that it brings. We also celebrated the gift of life of the sisters who were celebrating their years of life and golden jubilee of Religious Life.
We evaluate, plan and dream together this new year that is beginning, with the hope of being accompanied by the Trinity, by Mary and Joaquina, in a very special way in this time we are living and in the preparation of the celebrations for the bicentennial of our congregation.
Sr. Maria do Socorro Vieira, CCV