by Comunicación Vedrunamérica | Feb 4, 2025 | Cuba, Vedrunamerica
In the context in which we live, where life is being taken away, especially that of children, the International Summit on the Rights of the Child, entitled “Let us Love and Protect them”, begins today in Vatican City. In his inaugural address, Pope Francis...
by Comunicación Vedrunamérica | Jan 6, 2025 | Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Vedrunamerica
Our dynamics: Weaving together life and hopeas Pope Francis and the Congregation have invited us to do! From December 27-30, sisters from Cuba, Puerto Rico, Haiti and the Dominican Republic met with Alicia Zanichelli and Marisol Sanchez Paez, provincial and vicar of...
by Comunicación Vedrunamérica | Feb 3, 2024 | Cuba, Vedrunamerica
In the town of Palma Soriano, where the Vedruna Sisters ceased to reside a few years ago, a group of Vedruna Laity keeps alive the essence of the charism, enkindled in the love of Jesus. This group is composed of more than 14 women who, with firmness, dedication and...
by Comunicación Vedrunamérica | Dec 30, 2023 | Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Vedrunamerica
On December 27-29, the sisters of the Dominican Republic and Cuba met in assembly. Haiti, due to border problems, could not be physically present, but was present in our prayers, hearts and reflections. From the provincial team, we were accompanied by Sr. Noeli...