María José Sabaté, Catalan by birth and Aragonese by adoption, is a mother, grandmother and has been a classics teacher for many years at the Colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen in Zaragoza (Spain).
María José, what has driven you to make your lay commitment in the Vedruna Family?
I had been thinking about it for some time. When you feel the need to do something, the time has come. I decided to take the step and thus feel fully integrated into the Vedruna family.
You have been in the laity for many years, what has it given you?
A feeling of belonging to a family that is united by the Vedruna charism, the charism that I met at school and that from the first moment with the good work of the sisters was permeating my being.
You have initiated a joint journey with the Sisters’ community. In this simple journey, what is this experience giving you?
I have always felt very close to the Congregation and the sisters. It must be because of the continuous contact I have had with them during all the years I have been teaching at the school. I have always said that the sisters’ residence was my second home.
I think it is very good to move forward together. For me, it gives me the security that the path is well done and, in addition, a lot of confidence to share it with them.
Those of us who have been your students know of your commitment and dedication to education. What have you gained from so many years of work at the Colegio de Zaragoza?
I have always said that it was the Spirit who guided my steps to become part of the faculty and the educational project of the school in Zaragoza. My work as a teacher and educator was enriched by the values transmitted by Joaquina’s charism.
What would you like to communicate to the younger teachers who are joining our centers about the Vedruna laity?
The laity is an association that enriches people if you are really attracted to the Vedruna charism. It is a way of personal enrichment and sharing experiences, feelings and prayers. From my life experience I would encourage teachers who begin their journey in a Vedruna school to deepen in the roots of the congregation, to be seduced by its charisma, to work feeling the same feelings that overwhelmed Joaquina and to be light for the students they have in their hands. If they feel the call to participate in the laity, they should not hesitate, as it is a way to improve personally and enrich themselves in values that sometimes we have forgotten.