Diocesan Missionary Vocation Week in the Diocese of Floresta, Brazil

The Vocation Year aims to foster a Vocation Culture in ecclesial communities, families and society, so that they become environments conducive to the awakening of all vocations, such as grace and mission, at the service of the Kingdom of God. With this motivation, the Vocational Animation Service of the Diocese of Floresta organized a Diocesan Vocational Missionary Week from September 13 to 17 in the parish of Inajá.

These days were rich in experiences, reflections and experiences with the families through the visits. We were present in rural communities, in city neighborhoods and in schools with young people, and we even participated in radio programs.

We carry out various moments of formation and meetings with young people to deepen their vocation, making known the different charisms: religious life, priestly vocation, lay and married vocation. We listen, share and witness to the life we lead and care for as a treasure: “Jesus, who transforms and recreates our life, action and existence every day”. We also held formation meetings with leaders under the theme “Through love and vocation we are called to the mission”, which included couples from the family ministry, among others.

To celebrate this special time, the youth and missionaries organized a cultural and festive meeting in the city’s events square, which we lived with great enthusiasm.

We face a great challenge and commitment: never forget that “we are called to be God’s people, missionary disciples and to serve with joy”.

Sr. Maria Eunice dos Santos, CCV