Continuing with our Formation Days, on Monday, November 29, we held the 3rd meeting with the staff of the El Carmelo School, the theme of which was: “Where do I base my faith”, led by the Pastoral Team.
The activity began with a praise to the creator “If you had faith like a mustard seed” a joyful song that encouraged us to be willing to walk a life of trust and certainty in God, no matter what happens, because we know that the Father is our strength and all will be well. We continued with a moment of reflection to invoke the Holy Spirit.
To deepen the topic we listened to an audio about what faith is. Based on what we heard, we divided into three teams: the first team was given sand, the second water and the third stones. Each group had to build a house and keep it standing on the surface provided: sand, water or stone and reflect on the construction. The foundation of each one was different, Jesus gives us every day the opportunity to build our house on rock, let us ask ourselves: Where is our faith and trust placed?
If we listen to the Word of God, keep it in our hearts and live according to it, we are building on the rock that is Christ, this will require more work, but it will be firm against adversity, but if we listen to the counsel of God, but reject it and do not live according to it, those foundations on sand or water, not being well founded, will make our house destined to failure. Therefore, it is not enough to hear the Word of God, but we must obey it and live according to it.
Afterwards, we carried out an individual activity. We were each given a scroll inviting us to reflect on the following questions: What is faith for me? How do I live my faith? Where do I cement my faith? Do I really have faith?
During the sharing, each person shared the answers to the questions posed. The call is that the phrase “My faith is founded on rock” are not just empty words, our commitment is a call to know and discover in the depths of each one of us, what is God’s will for us, to put us on a true path of spiritual growth and growth of our Christian life.
Candy Rodríguez Socas