Jesus said to her, “Mary! She turned and said to him, “Master! Mary Magdalene went to tell the disciples the news. “I have seen the Lord!” (Jn 20:16-18).
On August 26, in Carnaúbeira da Penha, Brazil, at 4 pm, was the celebration where Sr. Maria do Socorro publicly pronounced her perpetual vows of fidelity to the Lord and dedication of her life to the building of the Kingdom of God. The Eucharist was presided over by the Bishop of the Diocese of Floresta, Don Gabriele Marchesi, and concelebrated by Fathers José Marcos and Luciano Aguiar.

In the week preceding the perpetual profession, we had many moments conducive to vocational culture: in the schools with the young people with our testimony of life and open to listen to their concerns and questions. We continued with the vocational triduum with the participation of the sisters, laity, young people, some vocations and the community. We also took advantage of the occasion to have a day of vocational encounter with the young women who are being accompanied, and several moments of fellowship in our community.
Saturday the 26th arrived, a day that was eagerly awaited and, in an atmosphere of faith, Sr. Maria do Socorro pronounced her Perpetual Vows, received by Sister Marilei Fréo, delegate of the country, on behalf of Sister General.
It was a simple, moving and profound moment with the participation of many sisters, young people and Vedruna friends, together with the relatives and friends of Sr. Maria do Socorro Vieira.
After the celebration we were able to enjoy a delicious meal at the school.
Every moment was marked with fine details and affection, everything was prepared with love, in a family style and atmosphere.
“With Jesus and having Jesus, everything is superfluous.”
Sisters of Brazil in Carnaubeira da Penha