In response to the invitation of the Management, Pedagogy and Pastoral Team, 23 teachers from various schools met to review, plan and evaluate the School Religious Education work material. This meeting sought to promote constant updating and formation, in harmony with the fidelity to the gift received as Vedruna educators and guided by the Spirit of Jesus in the mission of educating the most needy.
The meeting was characterized by an attitude of discernment, focused on moving from the superficial to the profound with an open educational action animated by the Holy Spirit for the realization of the Project of Salvation. The participants reflected on how God manifests Himself in the personal, community and social reality of Venezuela. Open to the light of the Word and in community dialogue, they shared feelings and motions, with the objective of discovering the process they wish to live together, significantly impacting the students in coherence with the Vedruna educational style.
The Vedruna educational style is defined by being:
- Inclusive: where everyone is recognized and accepted as different.
- Active-Reflective: educating from action-reflection-action.
- Participative-Dialogue: valuing the voice of the other.
- Creative-Innovative: encouraging individual creativity.
- Critical-Liberating: keeping up to date and present in the current context.
The teachers affirmed that the mission of education is integral, encompassing all dimensions of the human being, both social and transcendental. They emphasized that the integral dimension of Christian love must be present in education, indissolubly uniting love of God and neighbor. They felt the urgency to be “born again” in a permanent way as a congregational line.
With joy for meeting again as a family in these 70 years of sowing love, each teacher took the task of working in their center to review and update the syllabus to be implemented in the next school year.
Professor Giclis Santamaria