170th Anniversary of Joaquina de Vedruna’s Easter: Celebrating her legacy with this message (VIDEO)

Dear Vedruna Family…

“We were all seized with grief and weeping, and were not able to understand what was happening to us: it seemed to us little less than impossible to have to mourn the separation of a Mother who loved us so much. The people in the shelter also felt this loss very much, because for all of them she was a true Mother: that is why they mourned her death with sorrow”. (Br. Asunción Vilella, on the day of Joaquina’s death, August 28, 1854).

Faith surprises us and leads us to discover Life in death: 170 years after this day, Joaquina de Vedruna, this “true Mother”, IS STILL ALIVE in us, who are part of this Family that she brought together with the gift that the Divine Ruah gave her. Today we continue with the torch in our hands and in our hearts, walking towards a new birth, so that life may flourish, especially in the realities and situations where it continues to be threatened.

Celebrating her Easter, we joyfully share this video that captures a memorable moment: the transfer of the urn containing the body of Joaquina, from the Manso Escorial to the house known as Casa Inter. This is part of the renovation project of the Manso in preparation for the Bicentenary of the Foundation of our Congregation.

Together with you, Joaquina, celebrating today the 170th anniversary of your Easter, we ask the Trinity, with one voice: Make us be born again, from water and the Spirit, from your Love Trinity!

A brotherly and sisterly embrace to all of you!