The Province of Africa celebrated its Precapitular Assembly in Kinshasa

The Precapitular Assembly of the Province of Africa was held April 2-6 in Kinshasa, where the members of the province met to discuss important topics such as community discernment in search of God’s will, the management and administration of goods and the review of the synthesis of the precapitular work carried out by the communities. Accompanied by Sister Herminia, Bursar General, and Sister Adelaide of the General Team.

One of the main topics addressed was community discernment, where personal practice was emphasized and then the importance of carrying it out in a communitarian way, instead of acting only in individual selfishness. The members of the province committed themselves to walk together in a synodal journey, seeking God’s will through communal discernment.

Another important topic discussed at the Assembly was the management and administration of the province’s assets. The members met to make an economic assessment of the province in an atmosphere of trust and peace. The attitude of being reborn anew for the good functioning of the province was evident in the rereading of the synthesis of the precapitular work. The members of the province were motivated to look in the same direction and let themselves be guided by the course that the spirit is leading them.

During the Precapitular Assembly, different dynamics were also carried out to relax and strengthen unity among the members of the province. Overall, the Assembly was a success and progress was made on the important issues that were discussed. The members of the province returned to their communities “like Nicodemus a new person in Christ” with joy and committed to continue seeking God’s will through community discernment and good stewardship of the province’s assets.