On July 28, the Formation community together with the people of which a diversity of pastoral agents and organizations are part, social movements such as the MST (Landless Rural Workers Movement); CEBs (Basic Ecclesial Communities); Po (Pastoral de Trabajadores); organizations committed to the defense of land for all and other rights that favor a dignified life, especially for those who need it most.
With the richness of these experiences of people’s struggle, we participated in the 23rd Water, Land and Forest Pilgrimage, held in the Caique settlement in the city of Porto Feliz (Brazil). This space was chosen for almost 40 years of resistance, struggles and conquests.
“The Pilgrimages to the Earth emerged after the Second Vatican Council, which promoted reconciliation between the people, the word and the altar. In the early 2000s, some Pilgrimages began to also include water in their scope, becoming known as Earth and Water Pilgrimages” (https://arquifln.org.br/destaques/o-sentido-simbolico-da-romaria-da-terra-e-das-aguas).

This day was marked by many significant moments, from the bus ride with everyone, until we arrived at the meeting place, where we were welcomed with great joy and familiarity.
It began with a moment of spirituality in the tent, filled with fruits grown by the people themselves. We received some flags as a sign of the walk. We listened to the Word of God from Mark 6: 41-43, the sharing of the loaves and fishes, followed by a very deep ecumenical sharing.
Some of the young people marked our hands with clay, to remind us of the sacred land we walk on, full of stories and memories. After sharing a delicious breakfast, we set off to the village, passing through dirt roads, contemplating the plantations and all the lively and well-kept nature. We stop in some spaces, to remember the need to urgently take care of the common home, from small and big attitudes. We listened to testimonies of people who suffered in their own bodies, imprisonment and persecution, who knew firsthand the reality of the conflict in Palestine, among so many other realities of our countries that are crying out for peace.
Finally, the reality of our indigenous peoples, who teach us how to live well, how to take care of our common home, Mother Earth, with harmony and a deep sense of belonging, was brought to the forefront. These peoples who suffer so much from inequalities and lack of respect for their rights.
On the way back from the road we shared a delicious lunch prepared with much love and care by the people.
We return to our community with a heart full of gratitude. Each one of us shared how significant this moment was in our personal and community life and how God makes himself present in the simplicity and struggles of his people.
VedrunAmerica Training Community- Campinas- Brazil