Letter to the Vedruna Family on the feast of May 22, 2024

Dear Family, family, yes, we are family, because each and every one of us, from our different roles and services, in the same heart, lives and shares our experience and calls of the Good Jesus.

It has been a few days since I last wrote to you, but now I have the opportunity to do so on the occasion of the feast of the Trinity, which will be on May 26. Although in reality, the reason for my letter is because on the 22nd of this month, you have insisted on remembering the day on which the Church says is my feast day. I would say that it is the day of remembrance, of my commitment to the Gospel, born of my baptism, to be Good News wherever I am.

By the way, I like to remember that not yet a year ago, in my house in Vic, which is your house, we met as a Family to review what we are doing and how we are living our commitment to work for the Glory of God and the good of our neighbor. It was a great joy for me that, after listening to the Spirit, they discovered that what it is all about is being Born Again. To be born again are big words, because it is about being born of water and the Spirit.

Perhaps if we make it simpler, or more practical, it may be easier to understand; let’s look at some examples: in the communities, living with awareness and intensity the art of encounter, always thinking that the beneficiary is the mission.

In the tasks of the mission, sharpening our eyes and heart to grasp the people, spaces and reality that ask us for greater closeness, that cry out to us the urgency of humanization, of getting to weave the we.

In families, strengthening love, at home, with co-workers and neighbors.

In our environment, with Mother Earth, looking at what waste we produce and asking ourselves, do we need all this? What happens if I dispense with…? And in a broader sense, to get involved in the groups and movements that fight for integral ecology and care for our Common Home!

Dear Family, I encourage you to be attentive to what is happening in your environments, we live in times of many challenges, such as the culture of synodality. The last capitular document reads as follows: “Synodality is walking, praying, dreaming and participating together. It is a path of discernment in common, listening to the Spirit. It is a call to personal, community and ecclesial conversion aimed at building a more just and egalitarian world, building a fraternal, sororal and missionary ecclesial community at the service of the common good”.

I encourage you to set your eyes and ears to know what and how to respond to all that is happening, for “Jesus himself shows by his life how the relationship with the Father, in the Spirit, runs through every daily decision or crossroads he makes on the road he travels”.

Be very confident: everything will turn out well, even better than you might think. As we strive to do good, the Lord will give us his light to succeed and the necessary means to do so.

A fraternal and sisterly embrace to you.

Download letter in Spanish here.

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Download the letter in english here.

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